Manav Sewa Health And Education Trust. is a non-profit charity organization working in Delhi, India. This non Government Organization (NGO) was created as a Community Service Center for the most Marginalized families living in urban slum communities and rural areas. Our goal is to provide educational, health and vocational skills to underprivileged children and women.
Manav Sewa Health And Education Trust . shall continually attract, retain and develop a cadre of talented, committed professionals who come from all walks of like and backgrounds. Chartered accountants, post-graduates in Social Work, communications professionals, bankers, HR specialists, salespeople, MBA-types, geeks, artists, writers, foodies from every ethnic, linguistic, religious and ideological persuasion. This diversity, coupled with an unrelenting commitment to building a culture of openness, transparency, accountability and democracy within the organization are what make.
Manav Sewa Health And Education Trust . what it is since it was founded. That organization culture, the daily experience of making a tangible difference and the opportunities for personal and professional learning and growth are what attract and keep people in jobs that pay a fraction of their market value.
Manav Sewa Health And Education Trust . who involve in any type social work NOW IT IS FURTHER DECLARED that trustees shall be entitled to utilize and disperse either the net income of the trust estate and/or parts of the corpus thereof for maintaining and/or conducting establishments for the charitable purposes and trust here in above set out and also as they in their discretion deem fit and proper to make contribution and/or donations to charitable institutions and/or establishment shaving one or more of the charitable objects here in above set out.
Save the Children invests in Childhood ? Every day, in times of crisis and for our future. We give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and Protection from Harm. Manav Sewa Health And Education Trust helps children, providing support for health, Education, protection, disaster relief For more than 3 years, we've worked in the region to improve children's education, health and well-being. Our Organization works to make a reality of children`s rights: to help children and families improve their health, education and economic opportunities.
Our organization vision a world in which every child attains the right to Survival, protection, Development and Participation .Our name is based on our Premise that inside every international relief or development NGO there are core Professionals who Provide the Structure and Expertise to support the reach and impact of their organization. We are dedicated to Strengthening Operational teams.