Manav Sewa Health & Education

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

    The entire society gets the benefit when we work towards women. But regrettably, in a country like India, women do not get access even to their basic rights like health, education, employment, and most importantly respectable status in society.
    In the world population, women population constitutes almost 50% and it is sad to know that most women around the globe are unemployed due to which our nation is suffering economically.

    Women play an important role and are considered as the backbone of our Indian society and this is the reason why women's empowerment is important. At Nirmala Foundation, we have launched several women empowerment programs in collaboration with the social service center.
    Through women empowerment programs, we create an environment for the women where they are given the chance to make their own decisions and for society as well.